Why intellectual health for health and wellness?

As a certified life coach with a focus on health and wellness, one of the biggest things that I get questions about is where you should start your healing journey. There are eight different dimensions of your health, and your intellectual health is definitely the most important. Your intellectual health deals with strengthening your mind and opening yourself up to gaining knowledge and understanding. Do you know why this is important? Well, you’re in for a treat. Keep reading to find out the top reasons why you should focus on your intellectual health before the other eight dimensions.


Reason #1 For Intellectual Health: Mind Over Matter

The first reason you should focus on your intellectual health for your health and wellness is that your mind dictates how you’re able to receive other information. Whether that’s good, bad, positive, or negative depends on the level of your intellectual health. Think about it like this: If your mindset is wrong or weak, do you think you’ll be able to see change? More than likely, if you don’t have a strong mindset, you aren’t able to reach your full potential.

Don’t believe me? Well, just think about when you try to do anything new. On average, many people give up if something is too difficult. I know I’ve been there before in the past, so I can speak to this. When you focus on enhancing your intellectual health, you open yourself up to a more can-do attitude instead of one that quits at the sign of struggle.


Reason #2 For Intellectual Health: Manage Challenges

When looking at your intellectual health for health and wellness, you're going to come across a lot of challenges that will try to knock you down. If your intellectual health is strong, that makes it easier to recollect what you can do to overcome those challenges.  A major part of enhancing your intellectual health is gaining knowledge. If you don’t allow yourself to explore and gain this knowledge, you unintentionally limit your ability to deal with anything that comes at you.


Reason #3 for Intellectual Health: Finding Purpose

As your life coach who specializes in health and wellness, my ultimate goal for my clients is to push them toward fulfilling the calling that God has for them. Maximizing your intellectual health is directly related to finding your purpose, which comes along much later down the line of your journey to development. As you improve your intellectual health, you will indulge in not only the things that you don’t know about but also the things that you want to know more about. The deeper you get into understanding why you love something or why it interests you, the closer you’ll be to discovering what your purpose is in life.


These are just three of the many reasons that you should have a focus on your intellectual health when you're first getting started on your health and wellness journey. There are several more that I go over in my book titled Flamingos Who Lose Their Pink. Be sure to pick up a copy whenever you get a chance. In the meantime, make sure that you subscribe to my monthly newsletter so that you are always in the know about every time I make updates to the blog, YouTube channel, and other social media platforms.



How to Practice Critical Thinking for Intellectual Health